Friday 20 April 2012

Whoopie Wowzas!!!

Hello lovely people, just here to say a humungous thanks for viewing my blog, never knew my life would be of so much interest to anyone else!!!!
I have hit 1000 viewings "mintilicious" (for those southerners amoungst you, 'mint' means class, cool, fab, brill etc...)
So thanks again and watch this space, big things come from small beginnings!!! xxx

Thursday 19 April 2012

Sugar hit!!

Mmmmmmmm pecan and maple syrup cupcake, definately a sugar rush!!!

Monday 16 April 2012

Bring on the school run!!

The girls are back to school tomorrow, and after three weeks of being cooped up in the house with tag team chicken pox, both they and i are seriously ready for it. Most of the hols have been fun filled, but cabin fever has definately kicked in these last couple of days. Bring on the school run!! xxx

Thursday 12 April 2012

Needs a bit of tweaking

Yesterday i tried making summer fruit pavlova cupcakes, mini ones. Hmmmm didn't end up quite how i planned think a few adjustments are needed. Putting fruit in the the cake mix tasted nice but the sponge turned a greyish purple, not so appealing! So i'm thinking vanilla sponge with fruit puree filling and meringue topping, keeping the flavours separate will hopefully look and taste better. Will let you all know how it goes. xxx

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Hands on, hands in!!!

After the egg cracking incident i wasn't all that suprised to find my youngest up at the worktop squeezing the block of butter through his fingers, creamed by hand quite literally!!! but totally unusable! He he gotta love um xxx

Tuesday 10 April 2012

A tad bit excited!

I'm a happy bunny today, one of my bestest friends is coming over with her children. I've known her since i was 3 and we now live several hundred miles apart. So it's always fab to see her, and chin wag over a cuppa and (today) a strawberry and vanilla cupcake!! Hope you're all having a fun filled day too xxxx

Monday 9 April 2012


Righto, I've changed the settings so anyone should now be able to comment on my blog, no sign up needed, please try it out so i can see if it's now working, thanks everyone!! xxx

following my blog

I know a lot of people are having problems leaving comments on my blog, you need to become a follower first by clicking on the link, it's really easy and you don't have to set up an email account with google to do it. Please do as i'd love to read all your comments xxxx

Easter cupcakes

I made these for our new neighbours to say welcome to hedley and Happy Easter, 
chocolate and caramel, tiramisu, raspberry and white chocolate
hope they enjoyed them xx

The long awaited Banoffee Pie!!

Now this is a seriously yummy cupcake (if i say so myself) banana cake, caramel filling and a mascapone icing.  Mmmmmmmmmm

birthday cupcakes

Vanilla mini cupcakes that my daughters took into school to celebrate their 6th birthday.

Golly Gosh

Golly gosh what an Easter so far! All three of my little lovelies have either had, are recovering from or are still covered in the 'spotty dottys' otherwise known as chicken pox!! calamine cream galore and lots of baths with bicarb instead of bubbles (amazed at how well that works!), loving all the movies with snuggles on the sofa and lashings of easter chocolate, very good timing!
Righto, off for now, but back soon with some more Easter cupcake photos, mostly chocolate of course!!