Monday, 14 May 2012

The last place i ever expected to find a mouse.

For the past month or so my car alarm has been going off in the middle of the night, sometimes three or four times, i've been sleeping with my car keys!!! and am shattered as a result of the disturbed sleep.
At first we thought it might be the battery conking out, but it sits in the drive merrily all day with nothing going off.

very strange.....

Anyhow the plot thickens, i opened the boot to get the pushchair out last week to find it had been nibbled and there were mice droppings in there!!! how on this earth did a mouse get into the boot of my car?
So we set a trap filled with chocolate buttons (mice are rather partial to chocs) and that night the alarm went off as usual (around 2.30ish), next morning we had caught the culprit. Or so we thought.....

The next night the car alarm went off again, What?!! so we set another trap and yes we caught yet another little rodent. 

Question is, and I don't really like thinking about it too much, have i been driving around with a family of mice in the boot? or are they somehow getting in at night?
Anyhow, since the eviction of mouse number two the car alarm has ceased it's nightly flashing and wailing, so i can only come to the conclusion that my car is now mouse free.

Here's hoping! x


  1. Countrylife eh? We have mice around, so got a cat and have wild owls that enjoy them too! The difference for us between being in the middle of a small village and being 2 miles up the road without any immediate neighbours has been considerable on the wildlife front

  2. we have owls too! can't get a cat though as my husband is allergic :((
    not complaining though, there's never a dull moment in the Stocks house or car!!!

  3. What an ace story, once you have recouped all your lost hours of sleep I am sure you can laugh about it!!
